

Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Free Tier to deploy a HA containerized web application

Firstly, I’m not a front-end developer – nor do I aspire to be. This project first started out as an exercise to get more familiar with Golangs/Go’s net/http module. Creating a janky web app (with probably the worse UI known to humankind) was just a means to an end (see below evidence) I found an…

Provisioning MPLS L3 VPN’s w/async Python + RestConf

Introduction/Rambilings When initially getting into code and marrying it with network engineering, I wasn’t overly obsessed with the speed of execution – my code ran (most of the time) and that was that. Whatever I scripted tended to be faster than manually typing it out box-by-box anyway, any attempt at micro-optimizations tended to be…

Unit Testing Network Infrastructure w/ pyATS

There’s nothing better than a greenfield deployment. The infrastructure has been deployed to the ‘Gold Standard’ in terms of design practices and all required optimisations have been put in place from a network engineering perspective to ensure the best user and application experience. In reality, these infrastructures don’t live in an isolated environment, moves adds,…


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